• Question: Was this your first choice

    Asked by care49jag on 5 Nov 2020.
    • Photo: Liudmila Khokhlova

      Liudmila Khokhlova answered on 5 Nov 2020:

      I was always into science, since high school and I did research projects for my Bachelor and Master theses. However, I went to industry first, since it seemed like a solid and very clear career choice. I worked a bit more than a year and a half as an electronic engineer and I realized that I miss the research part, the unknown, the freedom of conducting my own experiments. So I went back to science and so far happy about that 🙂

    • Photo: Danny Hnatyshin

      Danny Hnatyshin answered on 5 Nov 2020:

      I liked physics, astronomy, chemistry, geology in secondary school so it was very hard to choose what path to pick! I went with geology because I thought the day to day work would be the most fun, and I believe that is still true today! I want to pursue a research and teaching career rather than industry for the same reason. It also provides me with a lot of freedom compared to typical jobs. I get to design my own research projects, which is great!

    • Photo: Alan McGibney

      Alan McGibney answered on 5 Nov 2020:

      When I was leaving school I didn’t really know what I wanted to do but I liked technology and computers so I was lucky when I went to college I found out how much I enjoyed it. Research let me to explore things that interest me so I really appreciate being able to have that opportunity to do something that keeps me interested.

      But many others in my college class decided it wasn’t for them and changed, even after completing there course they changed direction, it doesn’t mean it was a waste because many skills can be used in other areas. You might not know what you want now but you have your whole life to find what you love so don’t be afraid to try different things.
