• Question: What do u not like doing in science

    Asked by Ella to Malgorzata on 5 Nov 2020.
    • Photo: Malgorzata Dabrowska

      Malgorzata Dabrowska answered on 5 Nov 2020:

      Hi Ella,

      This is a smart question! If you consider being a scientist, it’s good to be prepared for the less pleasant side of this profession.
      Personally I like to be independent. And many times in science you have to “wait” for someone. Sometimes because your project is connected with someone’s project, and he/she needs to finish some part of his/her work before you can start your experiments. Sometimes you are going to perform an experiment with another person and you have to wait again till he/she will come to the lab, someone is working slower, someone faster, etc. So in general you have to be flexible.
      Also, sometimes you have to conduct experiments for many hours in a row, what can be really exhausting. But if at the end you are going to get some fascinating results you feel that all of it was worth it.
      I think that everyone has something different to dislike in science. However, I feel that there is one thing which united all the scientists: a paper work. The amount of documents we have to deal with is big and it’s only growing with each year. In general, I just want to stop filling them, close my laptop and go straight to the lab and perform experiments 😉
