• Question: what was the largest mammal ever found on earth

    Asked by fete49hue on 19 Nov 2020.
    • Photo: Lara Codeca

      Lara Codeca answered on 19 Nov 2020:

      Hello, I had no idea about it until you asked, I’m a computer scientist.

      I looked online and I found a nice National Geographic article on the “The Largest Beasts to Walk the Earth” (https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/phenomena/2015/07/14/the-largest-beasts-to-walk-the-earth/).

      But If you want the mammal, I suppose is the Blue whale, but I cannot find an article to back this up.

    • Photo: Mohammed Taj-Eldin

      Mohammed Taj-Eldin answered on 19 Nov 2020:

      The largest animal on Earth based on weight is the blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus), which can weigh up to 160 tonnes (352,739 lb). Its average length is 24 m (80 ft),

      But it is not the longest animal on Earth. A huge specimen caught in the Southern Ocean, Antarctica, on 20 March 1947 weighed 190 tonnes and measured 27.6 m. You can read more about Blue whales at the following:

    • Photo: Danny Hnatyshin

      Danny Hnatyshin answered on 19 Nov 2020:

      The biggest mammal on earth is easily the Blue whale which the biggest individuals may have weighed close to 200 tons (about twice as heavy as the biggest dinosaur!) and up to about 30 meters long (almost as longa s 3 buses!).

      The biggest mammal on land is an African Elephant which can be up to 4 meters tall at the shoulder and weight up to around 10 tons. The biggest land mammal ever was Paraceratherium, which is a related to rhino’s (but wihout a horn) which might have been 5 m tall and weight as much as 2 elephans. Way smaller than a whale though!
