• Question: Would there be another major pandemic like covid 19

    Asked by garbhanb to Marcello, Liudmila, Alan on 9 Nov 2020.
    • Photo: Marcello Valente

      Marcello Valente answered on 9 Nov 2020: last edited 9 Nov 2020 1:47 pm

      Dear Garbhand,
      we can’t exclude that unfortunalely, let’s hope we will be able to handle that better in the future

    • Photo: Liudmila Khokhlova

      Liudmila Khokhlova answered on 9 Nov 2020:

      I agree with Marcello, mutations happen all the time, so it more or less a question of time when the next new infectious disease comes. However, multiple factors need to happen all at once for a new virus/bacteria to appear and be able to successfully infect humans, so it is generally a very rare thing. And if anything this year taught humanity so much in terms of how to deal with the pandemic. We can reduce the risk of new infectious diseases emerging and handle them better if they do.

    • Photo: Alan McGibney

      Alan McGibney answered on 10 Nov 2020:

      Hard to give a definite answer to this, but its likely we will have to deal with something similar but perhaps not to the same extent in the future..
