• Question: 2-Do you think there is life more advanced that us on other planets or solar systems?

    Asked by kaelym tyrrell to Stephen, Marie, Malgorzata, Changhong, Cathal, Boris, Alan on 22 Nov 2020.
    • Photo: Malgorzata Dabrowska

      Malgorzata Dabrowska answered on 22 Nov 2020:

      Hello Kaelym Tyrrell,

      I think it is possible, due to a huge amount of planets in the universe. The question is if, how and when we will communicate with them. Maybe actually never, who knows. But should we even look for them? As Stephen Hawking marked many times, that we should not look for them, because most probably they are more advanced than us and can be potentially dangerous, I’m a bit less excited about this idea. More of his statements you can find here: https://www.sciencealert.com/stephen-hawking-warns-that-we-might-not-want-to-reach-out-to-aliens, as well as links too two documentary series. Maybe it’d be worth to watch them for you if you are interested in space etc 🙂
