• Question: Did you always want to be a geologist and why

    Asked by grey49dug to Danny on 8 Nov 2020.
    • Photo: Danny Hnatyshin

      Danny Hnatyshin answered on 8 Nov 2020:

      Not always! When I was in primary school I liked dinosaurs so way back then I thought paleontology was super cool. In secondary school I actually thought astronomy, engineering, and geology. When I started thinking of going to college I realized that I would not necessarily like the work in astronomy because of the day to day work they do. I also thought the amount of maths involved in engineering and astronomy wasn’t for me, although looking back I could have done that just fine! I always was interested in volcanoes, planets, mountains, which suggested that geology would an interesting field to study. Also I thought the day to day work would be much more enjoyable and you could specialize in different things. As a geologist I get to do research outside (fieldwork), do chemistry, work on scientific instruments, and do computer work, so it would never be boring!
