• Question: How did the two scientists inspire you

    Asked by daniel.m to Malgorzata on 8 Nov 2020.
    • Photo: Malgorzata Dabrowska

      Malgorzata Dabrowska answered on 8 Nov 2020:

      Hi Daniel.m,

      Nikola Tesla was a great visionary, with ideas which were ahead of the time he was living in. This way of being that much open-minded and creative is very inspiring for me. Also, I admire the fact, that he wanted to work in science for science, not for some prestige, money or fame. On his inventions he could make a fortune. Instead of that, he chose to focus completely on science only and not on making a profit from it or some deals with businessmen, etc.

      Maria SkÅ‚odowska Curie is a polish scientist, so of course her story shaped me by the fact we are from the same country. She was the first person EVER who won a Nobel Prize from two different disciplines and also the first woman ever, who won a Nobel Prize at all. Someone could say this is enough to look up to her. But for me there is way more to her story. The way she was passionate and completely dedicated to science is filling me with strength to never give up. Even during the time when Poland was under the occupation she found the way to study in “undercover” university and later on it opened here a door to another opportunity: to study and do science abroad. The time she made a decision to leave the country was very difficult, not like nowadays that we can travel almost everywhere without much trouble. How determine and brave she was!
