• Question: What is your opinion on coronavirus

    Asked by lorcanb on 24 Nov 2020.
    • Photo: Marcello Valente

      Marcello Valente answered on 24 Nov 2020:

      Dear iorcanb,
      I think it could have been better managed in general in most of the countries

    • Photo: Danny Hnatyshin

      Danny Hnatyshin answered on 25 Nov 2020:

      I think it is a big wake up call on how fragile our world is and how we still have a long way to got to integrate science, politics, and everyday life. I hope next time the world works a little bit better together!

      Short-term it will be a struggle until we all are vaccinated (in a year or so)
      The long-term affects are hard to predict but it will take several years before things are where they used to be!
