• Question: What's the most exciting thing you've ever found

    Asked by AHeery to Danny on 7 Nov 2020.
    • Photo: Danny Hnatyshin

      Danny Hnatyshin answered on 7 Nov 2020:

      The most exciting thing I have every personally found were on field schools where I found fossils. The coolest things I have come across were dinosaur bones still in the ground in Dinosaur Provincial Park in Canada. I found pieces of tail bones and ribs. I have also came across small cliffs taht were made up almost entirely of fossil shells!

      The most interesting thing I have probably worked on were meteorites that originally came from mars. It was so cool to know that you actually get to see and work with something that came from another planet!a
      In that research project I was trying to figure what kind of rock it was and how it formed. What I discovered was it was a type of volcanic rock that is quite similar to what you find on Earth.
