• Question: When will they find the vaccine for Coronavirus (COVID-19) And who will get it first. (I assume older people will get the vaccine first)

    Asked by Aidan on 5 Nov 2020. This question was also asked by ✨AliHB_:D.
    • Photo: Marcello Valente

      Marcello Valente answered on 5 Nov 2020:

      Dear Aidan,
      it’s safe to assume that the necessary workers will be the first to get the vaccine since they are the most exposed as much they can easly spread involutarly if asymptomatic.
      Later the old and immuno compromise (people with less natural defence) will be next.

    • Photo: Danny Hnatyshin

      Danny Hnatyshin answered on 8 Nov 2020:

      Yes the people who are most at risk, like older people and healthcare workers will get the vaccine first. Healthy and young people will be the lowest priority.

      We don’t know when we will have a working and safe vaccine. Current estimates that I have seen likely think that middle to late 2021 is when we will have a vaccine that the public can widely use.
